Welcome to Odyssian Void

Hello and welcome

to the official website for Odyssian Void. The website is currently still under development and as such some areas may appear messy or unpolished. We apologize ahead of time for these problems and any typos (those that know me, know me as a god of typos) or grammar errors in any of the text information presented on the site. It is all undergoing editing at present.

To navigate around the site use the buttons listed above, please note that a few will send you to new websites.

Odyssian Void is currently in early alpha development and is free to download during this time. If you want to learn more about the development schedule, it can be found here. For more detailed information that may not be presented on this website, such as ship and item information, please visit the Wiki. That said there will be much information presented here dealing with the backstory, history, and universe of the game. Space Crusade is a large and ambitious project to bring together the best elements of some of the best space/sci-fi mmo/rts/4x games in the genre set in a super expansive and highly dynamic universe full of opportunities for exploration, experimentation, expansion, and exploitation.

If you would like to help us alpha/beta test the game please locate the downloads on the "Get the Game" page or in several other locations (bug tracker, forums, the ModDB page for the game, or from Google+/Twitter/Facebook where we will announce links to the latest versions once they are released). If you find any bugs we would like you to vitist the bug tracker and report them. It will help us process the builds/versions faster and allow us to make the game sooner!

Please direct any feedback you have to the forums. Thanks for your interest!